Once again, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is upon us and with this annual event your membership subscriptions become due for renewal. The cost of membership has stayed unchanged at £25.00,
The stingy banking system of this country now sees fit to charge the charity for cash and cheques. Thus, the proffered method of payment for your renewal is by bank transfer which is still free. It is appreciated that this will not be convenient to everyone so please do not let technology stop you from enjoying your sailing on Happy Return and pay as you see fit.
If you wish to pay on the night, then David Keast will be available to receive your payments. For members who would like to renew by cheque in the post, then please make cheques payable to: Mounts Bay Lugger Association (MBLA) with your name on the reverse and post to:
David Keast
c/o MBLA Treasurer
21 St. Golder Road
TR18 5QW
For members paying by Bank Transfer or setting up a standing order, please make payments to:
Account MBLA
Sort code 40-36-13
Account No 91415484
Payees reference Your name (Membership Fees)
If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to contact Mark or David.
Finally, if any of your details have changed, such as address, next of kin, phone numbers or tax status, then please go to www.happyreturn.org and complete a membership renewal form online.
Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM or out on the water.