Talk - Divers life in the Antarctic

On Thursday 23rd January at PZ sailing club 19.00 for 19.30 and is a pictorial talk on a diver’s life in the Antarctic by Rupert Johnson.

Rupert is a seasoned deep sea diver and project manager who has dived world wide and has fast experience of the underwater world, taking many fascinating photos throughout his extensive career.

RSPV to James please by email, text or WhatsApp.

Mince Pie and Film Night

Following on from our successful Curry and Lugger racing night we have another further event for December.

On Wednesday 11th December at PZ sailing club 19:00 for 19:30 start and is a festive mince pie and movie night.

The films will feature Red Sails in the Bay a splendid film on Luggers in Mounts Bay narrated by our very own John Tellam, a very interesting and informative documentary. This will be accompanied by films of our recent trip to France and a look back at our visit to Folkstone as part of the round Britain relay in the early 2000s.

The bar will be open and mince pies a plenty.

RSPV to James please by email, text or WhatsApp.

Curry Night

Dear Happy Returners

Our season will be closing soon so please have a look at the sailing program and get yourself booked on with the relevant skipper.

On the subject our close of season. Our Lugger racing and curry night is set for Wednesday 13th November at the Penzance sailing club (please see poster below)

A great meal and fun betting on the Luggers is a certainty! (who’ll give me odds on Barnabas 😂)

Menu choice is mild chicken, hotter beef or vegan.

These are supported by naan breads, pompadoms and chutneys. And my free raffle!

To book your spot please email me with your menu choice and make payment of £15 per person to the MBLA account. (Please put "CURRY" in the Payee Reference Box).

We now have a membership of 169 so this is strictly first booked first in.

Don’t delay email me today!😂

James Walker

MBLA chairperson

Mount's Bay Lugger Association

Registered Charity No. 1050517

September Sailing

Hi Happy Return Sailors,

There are some changes to Septembers Sailing Programme.

Mark Mitchell is away on holiday so the sail planned for Friday 20th September, Dave will skipper and be the point of contact. There are still places available, muster 16.30 for 17.00 departure. return in the dark around 21.00? If interested please contact skipper Dave.

For Sunday 22nd September, Tim Evens will skipper, NOT Dave as per SP. To book please contact Tim on his mobile. Again muster 17.00 for 17.30 departure.

Note: Tim also has spaces for Wednesday 11th September, Morning Sail Muster 08.30 for 09.00 departure. To book please contact Tim on mobile.

Membership Renewal

Once again, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is upon us and with this annual event your membership subscriptions become due for renewal. The cost of membership has stayed unchanged at £25.00,

The stingy banking system of this country now sees fit to charge the charity for cash and cheques. Thus, the proffered method of payment for your renewal is by bank transfer which is still free. It is appreciated that this will not be convenient to everyone so please do not let technology stop you from enjoying your sailing on Happy Return and pay as you see fit.

If you wish to pay on the night, then David Keast will be available to receive your payments. For members who would like to renew by cheque in the post, then please make cheques payable to: Mounts Bay Lugger Association (MBLA) with your name on the reverse and post to:

David Keast

c/o MBLA Treasurer

21 St. Golder Road



TR18 5QW

For members paying by Bank Transfer or setting up a standing order, please make payments to:

Account MBLA

Sort code 40-36-13

Account No 91415484

Payees reference Your name (Membership Fees)

If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to contact Mark or David.

Finally, if any of your details have changed, such as address, next of kin, phone numbers or tax status, then please go to and complete a membership renewal form online.

Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM or out on the water.

Minutes of AGM - 8 March 2023

Penzance Sailing Club, Albert Pier, TR18 2LL. 7.30 pm, 8th March 2023.


Committee :-

James Walker (Chairman)

David Keast (Treasurer)

John Diston (Secretary; Minutes taken by JD)

Mark Mitchell (Membership Secretary)

Carol Alway

Elizabeth Wood

Other Members :- Patricia Beaghen, Stewart Bradley, Amanda Cofek, Diana Copperwheat, Joy Daniels, Malcolm Daniels, Tiggy Elliot, Tim Evans, Lorna Halse, Mike Halse, John Hodgson, Julia Johnson, Fiona Mohan, Hermione Morrison, Amanda Noddeboe, Dan Oliver, Graham Perry, John Tellam, Alan Thomas, Nigel Walker, Keith Whatley, and Simon Withey.

28 members attended, being 22% of the current adult membership of 124.

This exceeded the minimum of 10% required for voting. [The 2 Junior Members are not entitled to vote].

1/. Welcome.

James Walker opened the Meeting at 7.30, and welcomed those attending.

2/. Apologies.

Hilary Bradley, Nick Darling, Marieanne Davey Ball (Heritage Officer), Graham Dyer,

Robert Fishburn, Ray Fordham, Paul Iseard, Nick Moore, Len Newman, Mike Richards, Roger Roberts, Ken Sharp, John van der Hoff, and George Whittaker.

3/. Minutes of the 2022 AGM, held on 9th March.

These were accepted as a true record, and signed by the Chairman. (Proposed by Carol Alway; seconded by Mark Mitchell).

4/. Matters Arising from 3/. above.


5/. Reports

5a - Chairman. James Walker reported as follows:- (Summarised from Notes).

My thanks to all those who have contributed to a successful season - Skippers and Mates, the Committee, and Penzance Sailing Club for their hospitality. Also to all members for sailing, your maintenance work, and financial support. There were 30 Sails in 2022, with 61 members sailing at least once. We have a new Code of Conduct, which can be found on our website.

The Treasurer will go through our accounts in more detail but, overall, we have invested significantly in the boat rather than the bank, as interest rates have been so low. We are developing a good working relationship with Sandy Cove boatyard. Unfortunately, because of Happy Return’s allocated winter position in the harbour, we have been unable to use our new boat cover.

You all know that we need to recruit or train additional Skippers and Mates. We are setting up appropriate training with some of our members during the forthcoming season. A similar charity in Essex has had similar issues, and we have asked for their advice concerning their successful £20K grant bid. We are hoping to build links with similar charities, to share information about staffing and funding.

As far as fund-raising is concerned, Sea Salt & Sail produced good returns, merchandise is doing well, we have a sponsor for our Crew Wear, and our 50:50 Draw continues. Future events will include a curry night, a summer barbecue, and a Porthleven trip. Longer term, we hear of plans to restore the Newlyn Fish Festival, and establish the Newlyn Fish Trust, which may help us indirectly.

Our Heritage Officer Marieanne has extended our knowledge of the history of Happy Return and the MBLA, and I thank those who have contributed to this, or been interviewed.

Winter storage has been a long-standing problem. Can any members help with this, or offer a site for a storage container?

Maintenance work is already under way, so please come along on Saturdays and for anti-fouling, as shown on our Programme.

To summarise, we have made useful investments with HR’s maintenance, repairs, and conservation. We are now aiming to put together effective fund-raising plans, which will hopefully include bids for large grants to finance future work.

5b – Secretary. John Diston reported as follows:- [All Members had been notified of the AGM and its Agenda on 13th February, and also sent the Minutes of the 2022 AGM].

There had been 7 Committee Meetings since the last AGM.

5c – Treasurer. The Accounts for the Year Ending 28th February 2023 were displayed overhead, with hard copies also made available. These showed Receipts, Payments, Assets, and Liabilties. David Keast highlighted specific points as follows:-

Some Members had made large donations. Interest Rates had improved.

Merchandise sales had gone well, especially clothing, paintings, and prints. Thanks to James Walker and Carol Alway for their work with this.

Jan Pentreath’s “Trafalgar” talk had raised significant funds. Aspect Holidays had granted us £300 towards clothing.

Boat Fund Contributions were less than expected, as some trips had had to be cancelled.

Maintenance and repairs had been unusually expensive, largely because of deck and mast work, repairing leaks, and the purchase of an emergency-locator beacon. Harbour Fees were paid at Newlyn, to cover HR’s time there.

Overall, the Deficit for the year was £8,716.

5d – Membership Secretary. Mark Mitchell reported as follows:-

The current membership totalled 126, and consisted of 30 Honorary & Life Members, 39 new members (including 2 Juniors), and 57 renewed members. 32 previous members had not renewed. The majority of those joining were now doing that online. Members were asked to keep him updated with any changes to personal details, including ceasing to pay tax (which relates to our claims for Gift Aid).

6/. Election of Officers.

All 7 of the current Committee were willing to stand again in the same roles (as shown at the top of these Minutes, plus Marieanne Davey Ball). In the absence of any additional Nominations, the Chairman explained that it would be acceptable for all those to be re-elected en bloc. Doing this was unanimously agreed by the floor, effectively reinstating the existing Committee. (Proposed by Stewart Bradley; seconded by Alan Thomas).

7/. Any Other Business.

Defibrillator. Stewart Bradley asked if there had been any progress with purchasing one.

James Walker replied that some of the risks and practicalities were still unclear. The RNLI were currently carrying out trials with this in mind. The expected cost would be around £860.

Crowdfunding could be a possibility, but the MBLA would wait to establish what sort of unit would be the most suitable before initiating any specific fund.

Date of Next Annual General Meeting.

Shown on the 2023 Sailing Programme as scheduled for Wednesday 13th March 2024. (TBC).

The Meeting closed at 8.15 pm.

March Membership News

March is here and it is getting time to think about sailing for 2024. So, what is happening over the next few weeks as we move towards Easter?

Thursday the 7th of March is the last of the winter Lugger skills evenings which will be heled in the Penzance Sailing club on the Albert Quay at 7pm.

Saturday the 9th March we will be removing the winter cover from the Happy Return, weather permitting. If you are free to help, we will be starting at 10am in the Penzance wet dock. A WhatsApp message will be sent confirming this event closer to the time.

The week of Monday the 11th of March to Friday the 16th of March we are hoping to antifoul the Happy Return. This is subject to the weather and tides at the time so, a message will be sent confirming the day and the time.

Wednesday the 13th March is the MBLA Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held Penzance Sailing Club, on the Albert Quay at 7:30pm open from 7pm. On completion of the AGM, we will unveil this season’s sailing program and look at some of the things to come.

Saturday’s 23rd and 30th March will be boat maintenance and painting for the forthcoming season, all are welcome. Muster time 10am at the Penzance wet dock.

Should you have any questions you can use the WhatsApp group Happy Return Sailors or contact James or David

Lastly, just to remind you that memberships (£25.00 per person) are coming due as of the AGM which can be paid online via the website (Preferred), by cheque made payable to the Mounts Bay Lugger Association or cash to David Keast (Treasurer).

George Whittacker's Funeral

For those of you who wish to attend George Whittaker’s funeral. It is to be held at Treswithan Crematorium, Camborne, TR14 0BL at 11am on Tuesday the 5th of March.

Please wear whatever you are comfortable in.

After the service, you are invited to the Shire Inn, to meet with Anne, Kate, Victoria, Sophie, and the rest of Georges family.

The Shire Inn is on the B3303, the road between Camborne and Praze an Beeble. TR14 0RT.

The family has requested donations may be made to Cornwall Air Ambulance and/or Mounts Bay Lugger Association (MBLA). Please click on the link below, click on "Donate", choose your charity as per above and follow the instructions on the web page.

All enquiries to Pendle Funeral Services, Helston, Tel: 01326 573080.

Should you require any other information, please contact Dave Keast. Please DO NOT send any donations direct to MBLA.