Once again 2021 was a challenging year both in terms of finance and sailing opportunities.
However, we came through in good shape, had some very good sails to the islands and made new friends and members.
Sadly, along the way we also lost some friends and of course they may be gone but will never be forgotten.
As we start 2022 the spectre of restrictions looms over us again but overall there is a feeling of light at the end of the tunnel and we look forward to a more fulfilling sailing season with Sea Salt and Sail in Mousehole and the Falmouth classics as possible events.
With inflation rising, our bank deposit being quite healthy and under the current economic situation of low interest and no 100% safe opportunity to invest our capital ,we have made the decision to further invest in Happy Returns infrastructure and security.
As you may be aware in the autumn of last year we removed the masts for repair and refit. This has given us an opportunity to assess our electronics package and the decision has been made to replace and upgrade our navigation system.
Also, we have put to bed the long running discussions over winter storage provision, so once we have re-tarred and painted the decks we will invest in a full coverage boat cover which will be made over the coming year and in place for next winter. For this year we continue to salt the decks with sea water mostly every day and continue with inspections.
The new season will be on us before we know ,so plans are starting not only for our sailing calendar but for two important goals to secure our future.
The first year I joined the association I was told we had a problem with the number and age of qualified skippers, that situation has not changed and in fact has worsened.
Our skippers past and present have done a fantastic job for us, without them, there would be no Happy Return and they deserve our upmost thanks.
So, we need more skippers. The first stage of this is to increase our active membership and look for people who are qualified or training to qualify.
The committee will look to commence a recruitment campaign; however this is a goal for all members to consider how they can help. What contacts do you have whom may wish to join, are you yourself looking to increase your skills to skipper or mate.
Our second goal is to replace our capital expenditure, again ideas and contributions gratefully received.
We will continue to run the monthly social meeting with a regular day commencing in February of the first Wednesday of every month. The aim as advised being to welcome new members into our group and improve communication between the members and committee.
Finally, may I remind you of our post-Christmas celebration at the Lugger Inn on the 15th of this month where there is still space available via Dave Keast and of course our refit will be starting soon so please advise Mark Mitchell of your ability to assist.
All the best for 2022
Chairman MBLA