Winter Newsletter


Happy Return is now back at her berth in the Wet Dock in Penzance having spent some weeks in the Gweek boatyard having her deck properly sealed by Andrew Massey together with ancillary works.  The final bits and pieces of work preparing her for her winter layup are now being completed.  The annual maintenance preparing her for the new season will commence the end of January early February 2018 we will give plenty of warning closer to the commencement time.   The good news is, we will all be in dry berths next season whatever the sea and weather can throw at her.    

Dare I remind you Christmas is not far away if you are looking for a present don’t forget that we carry a stock of tee’s and polo shirts of various sizes, sweat shirts to order all with our logo embroidered on them. In addition if you are looking for a Christmas tree present we have in stock, leather bookmarks with Happy Return embossed,  key rings with a picture of Happy Return and un - framed prints of a painting of Happy Return done by a well-known local artist.

 All of these items can be purchased from our Treasurer John Tellam

The first event of our Winter Programme was held on Saturday 11 November with a talk given by Andy Watts on Search & Rescue followed by a curry supper. The Talk was very interesting and informative and the curry was enjoyed by all.

Our next event is our Annual Dinner to be held on Friday 19 January 2018 at the Senara Restaurant at Penwith College.  Last year’s dinner was held there and everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed the meal and the evening. So if you don’t want to be disappointed doesn’t delay, book now with John Van der Hoff email: time is running out to book.  You should have received the email from John with the menu, just to remind you, you must make your selection of food and pay with your booking.

This is the remainder of our Winter Programme  of events:

Saturday 10 February - 19.30 -      Talk by Jan Pentreath on Cornish Harbours    

Venue - Penzance Sailing Club With Bar   -  Booking Not required

Wednesday 14 March - 19.30 for 20.00    

AGM & Talk by John Van der Hoff On a recent sail to the Galapagos Islands    

Penzance Sailing Club With Bar    Booking Not required

Saturday 24 March - 19.30 -      Talk by Luke Powell.  Builder  of Traditional Pilot Cutters  

 Penzance Sailing Club With Bar    Booking Not required


Our AGM as you will see is on Wednesday 14 March 2018.  Would you like to nominate a member or be nominated to serve on our committee? We are always looking for new committee members to help run our Association to bring fresh ideas on raising the funds to maintain and keep Happy Return afloat, sailed and enjoyed in future years.  She is an important part of the history of the Cornish fishing industry and registered as a Historic Ship.  If you would like to nominate yourself or a fellow member to join the committee please let Neil Mills know by Wednesday 28 February 2018.