Winter Maintenance Program - Saturday Mornings at 10.30

Happy Return back in the wet dock - 18 November 2017

The planned work on the Happy Return came to an end this week and with such a settled period of good weather, a snap decision was made to return to Penzance post hast. Thus the boat was lifted in to the river at Gweek yesterday (Thursday) and promptly motored back to Mounts Bay. The Happy Return is now birthed in the wet dock adjacent to the dock gate.

The boat is still very much in need of finishing and putting to bed for the winter, which includes some painting on the hull and the removal of the sailing rig for the winter. We will be working on board over the next few Saturday's to achieve this. If you can help, meet on board after 10:30am. All are welcome and all help will be gratefully received. This also offers the opportunity to meet up, see the boat and the work which has been done this autumn.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday even if it is only for an hour.