Maintenance work on Happy Return in readiness for the 2023 season.
The sailing season is fast approaching, and it is time to get our skates on, so just to remind you all the work is planned as follows:-
Saturdays 18th March (tomorrow). Muster at 10am for a couple of hours work, Painting if the weather allows.
Thursday 23rd March. Antifouling on the slip next to the Penzance sailing club. Dress, old clothes, wellington boots and a hat. This is a very busy morning and a good turnout is essential. We will be scrubbing the boat as the tide falls then applying new antifouling to the hull once dry and then painting the black above the waterline. At the same time the anodes will be changed, and some new rivets will be fitted through the garboard planks.
This is a busy day as all work must be complete before the tide rises again. High tide on Thursday is at 0536, so members are asked to muster on the slip between 8 and 8:30am. A stout broom is a very handy tool to bring along. We will be all finished by 2pm. If you can only come for some of that time, that will be great. Please let me know if you are able to come, so that we have an idea of numbers.
If the weather is not suitable on the Thursday, then we will slip to the alternative day on either Friday 24th or Saturday 25th. An email and WhatsApp will be sent out in the event of any changes.
Saturday the 25th , if we are not antifouling will be a maintenance day in the wet dock starting at 10 am. Hopefully the last day of painting.
Saturday 1st April we will be re-rigging Happy Return in readiness to sail. Start time 10am. All are welcome.
Saturday 8th April is planned as the final fitting out day prior to sailing. Please come along.