Nominally held on 10th March 2021
Prior to the AGM – Coronavirus Pandemic.
The continuing pandemic and consequent Government restrictions on gatherings meant that holding our normal in-person AGM would be illegal. The Charity Commission understood the practical difficulties, but had still asked for Annual Reports and Accounts to be submitted wherever possible.
However, their recent advice also allowed for virtual meetings.
In the light of this, and given that over 95% of members had online capability, the Committee decided to run a virtual AGM system, with online Nominations and Voting. Those without this facility would be contacted by post. Reports and Accounts could still be sent to the Charity Commission.
Our usual processes would have to be extended, but were based on a nominal date of 10th March.
Online Nomination and Voting systems would be put together and tested beforehand. Only paid-up members would have valid votes.
Notification of AGM.
As required, the Secretary gave at least 21 days notice, informing members by Newsletter on 15th February, and setting out what needed to be done.
Request for Nominations.
This was sent out on 17th February, and explained that all the current Committee were willing to stand again in their existing roles, and as Trustees. An online Nomination Form was made available, and the relevant procedures explained. Nominations were to be received by the Secretary by 5th March.
Nominations Received.
These were as follows:-
Nominee: Proposed by; Seconded by.
Carol Alway: James Walker; Mark Mitchell.
Marieanne Davy Ball: John Tellam; John van der Hoff.
John Diston: James Walker; Elizabeth Wood.
David Keast: John van der Hoff; Elizabeth Wood.
Mark Mitchell: David Keast; John van der Hoff.
James Walker: Mark Mitchell; John van der Hoff.
Elizabeth Wood: Carol Alway; Mark Mitchell.
The list above represents the first nominations received; later nominations replicated the same nominees. Several en bloc nominations were received; there were no indications that anyone should change roles.
Voting Procedures.
Once the online voting system had been tested, a Newsletter was sent on 22nd March, asking members to vote for or against those nominated, using the form provided. Additional boxes asked for Approval (or not) of the 2020 AGM Minutes and year-ending 28/2/21 Reports and Accounts (all sent out earlier on 10th and 14th March).
Membership renewals would be taken into account, and only paid-up members would have valid votes. Voting would be closed on 29th March.
Annual Reports for the Year Ending 22nd March 2021 (all written).
Chairman (James Walker).
As you will see from our Treasurer’s and Membership Secretary’s reports, last year was particularly challenging due to COVID restrictions on our activities. However, our Association battled through, and we can look forward to a better tomorrow as Captain Tom would say. The most important tasks during this difficult year were to keep sailing, keep HR in the best condition, and look after the finances. So, I would like to thank all the Skippers and Mates and all the members that helped maintain HR and all the members who sailed and gave generous donations throughout the season.
I would also like to thank Len Newman who is stepping down from the committee this year, he has given us great service both as a Trustee and Chairman and will be missed.
Sadly, last year we lost our good friend Peter May. Through Peter’s family MBLA was gifted £1230 in memory of Peter and I would like to thank them on behalf of us all.
A memorial will be held for Peter as soon as circumstances permit where all members can pay their respects.
Our AGM is a virtual one this year and I must encourage you all to vote when the link is sent out to you. Please remember that you are eligible to vote if you are a fully paid-up member, so if you have not done so yet please pay your £20 subscription.
If everything goes to plan, we will be sailing from May this year and looking to trips away from after July.
Secretary (John Diston).
Within 2 weeks of the 2020 AGM on 11th March, the Coronavirus pandemic had hit the UK and led the government to introduce a National Lockdown. This immediately affected MBLA activity both on and off the water. Normal Committee meetings could no longer take place thus only two Conference Calls and one outdoor, socially distanced, meeting during the less-restricted period.
Conference Calls were somewhat difficult to follow, so were not formally minuted. Instead, similar informal notes were recorded where possible. Given those difficulties, Conference Calls had to focus on high-priority, urgent, or expensive matters.
The restrictions also meant that there were no social or fundraising events, no Winter Talks, and no Annual Dinner.
The committee has therefore decided to operate this AGM online, nominating new committee members and voting via the website and email. This system has been tested, and I am confident that all will go well. Time will tell. Members without online facilities will be contacted by post as usual.
Membership Secretary (Mark Mitchell).
Not unexpectedly, membership for the year has been somewhat down on previous years principally due to the plague being in town. This produced many effects. Not only a great reduction in new members but also a slowing down of members renewing as many people renew when they start sailing each season. Once sailing eventually started in June membership uptake was still slow as all sailing was conducted with reduced crew of only six persons being on board due to social distancing. Many members did not sail at all throughout the season. In normal years it would be expected that the total membership would be in the region of 130 to 140 members but alas this was not the case and members were down to just 104 at the end of the year. A quick breakdown of members is as follows:-
Honorary members 1
Life Members 22
Renewing members 52
New members 29
Total membership 104 (As of 8th March 2021).
Finally, if you are unsure about your membership status, please contact me to confirm your present status. The Happy Return needs a constant amount of maintenance whether it is laid up in the wet dock or sailing in the Scillies, so please keep the memberships coming in. All members are important both in support, sailing and helping.
Treasurer (David Keast).
The year was not a very good year for MBLA accounts, as you will see from the “Annual Accounts” for the year ending Feb 2021. The main sources of income were down compared to the previous year.
Membership subs down approximately 25% and boat contributions down 75% respectively. Other major income came from donations. Many thanks to our members for their support during this time.
Sadly, with the loss of Peter May 12 months ago, donations were received in his memory. Many thanks to Peter’s wife and family. Expenditure is always ongoing, with the main item of expenditure being the HR boat insurance of £2,695. However, we managed to negotiate a partial refund of £978 while HR is laid up. Part of this will have to be repaid once HR is actively sailing once again. Other major expenditure was a result of a faulty ignition switch resulting in renewing the engine starter battery, solenoid, and starter motor. As with all years, the normal painting, decorating and woodwork repairs were ongoing. There were no social events during the year, such as raffles, and very little sales of goods. Notwithstanding the fact that the Annual Dinner did not take place.
Please see the Annual Accounts as well, any questions please contact me.
Members who Voted.
The following 45 members voted:-
Alan Macrae, Amanda Wright, Beverley Walker, Bob Glanville, Carol Alway, Chris Macrae, David Bond, David Keast, David Roberts, Diana Copperwheat, Elizabeth Wood, George Whittaker, Graham Perry, Hermione Morrison, James Walker, Jan Pentreath, John Crowther, John Diston, John Sharratt, John Tellam, John van der Hoff, Julia Johnson, Karen Lawrence, Ken Sharp, Len Newman, Lorna Halse, Marieanne Davy Ball, Mark Mitchell, Mike Halse, Mike Tudor, Miriam Ward, Nick Darling, Nick Tamblin, Nigel Walker, Patricia Barton, Patricia Beaghen, Paul Iseard, Richard Belton, Robert Poynton, Roger Roberts, Rupert Johnson, Sean Rickard, Syd Trudgen, Tim Hawkins, and Wilma Robson.
Voting Outcome.
Of the 45 who voted, 42 had paid their membership by 29th March, when voting closed.
At this point, there was a total of 108 paid-up members. This meant that 39% had effectively voted, which exceeded the 10% required to constitute a quorum.
The 2020 Minutes, and Annual Accounts to 28/2/21 were approved by majority. (Some of those who voted were not at the 2020 AGM).
The 5 existing Committee Members were re-elected unanimously to continue in their roles:-
James Walker (Chairman), David Keast (Treasurer), Mark Mitchell (Membership Secretary), John Diston (Secretary), and Carol Alway.
Marieanne Davy Ball (Heritage Officer) was elected unanimously as a full committee member, having been co-opted previously.
Elizabeth Wood was elected unanimously as a new committee member.
Therefore, all 7 of those listed continued as or became Trustees.
Members were informed of these results by Newsletter on 7th April.
The Committee thanked Richard Belton for setting up the online Nomination and Voting systems.
In the absence of formal Minutes, this Summary was put together by John Diston, MBLA Secretary (who also processed the Nominations and collated the Votes).