Dear members
I hope this newsletter finds you all well and that you have enjoyed our truncated season thus far.
I’m glad to say that this year we have been able to make some away trips to the Scillies under COVID guidelines and that there are still a couple more to come as well as several bay sails, so if you have not been out yet this year it’s a great time to go with a lot of wildlife in the bay, so please book early with your trip skipper.
As you will see from the program released this week, we have set a memorial date for Peter May to be held on Sunday 19th September muster at 14.45 at the Albert pier Penzance by the sailing club. Peter was an outstanding supporter of the MBLA and is sorely missed so it would be fantastic if as many members as possible could be there to remember Peter.
Now that COVID rules have been relaxed we find ourselves looking at possible winter events. Although no firm plans have been put in place at present, we are hoping to resume the winter talks program and hopefully our annual dinner. However this can only be done with support from the members so I would ask you to contact me and give me your feedback as to whether you would or would not be happy to attend these types of functions.
Finally, I can advise that we are going to trial a monthly members social meeting.
As well as being a purely catch up with friends meeting it is aimed at helping new members integrate into the association and improve communication between the members, skippers, and the committee. I am hoping you will support this venture and it can become a fixture in our calendar throughout the year.
The first of these meetings will be on Wednesday November 10th at 7pm venue will be the Dock Inn, Quay street Penzance. I will send a reminder out nearer the date.
Happy sailing
James Walker
MBLA Chairperson