Membership Renewal due at AGM

A note to remind all members who joined before 31st August 2019 (Except Life Members) that your membership renewal is due at the AGM on 11 March 2020.

If you attend the AGM you can pay by cash or cheque on the night.

Renewal amount is £20.00 per person per year.

Payment methods:

Preferably pay on-line - MBLA Bank Details are: Bank: HSBC, Sort Code: 40-36-13, Account Number: 91415484.

Alternatively, send cash/cheque to David Keast (MBLA Treasurer), 21, St. Golder Road, Newlyn, Penzance. Cornwall. TR18 5QW, Make cheques payable to “MBLA”.

Also - update your details

Please also go to MBLA web site:

  1. From Home page, click on "RENEW MEMBERSHIP"

  2. Click on the blue "MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - LET US KNOW HOW YOU HAVE PAID” button

  3. Complete the On-Line form.

This is important as we need to update your GDPR permissions, Gift Aid and your details should there be any changes.

Many thanks for your support and we, the committee and Skippers, look forward to seeing you all again for the coming sailing season.