Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 7 March at 7.30pm

This is to notify all Members that our Annual General Meeting will be held in the Function Room of The Lugger Inn, Marine Terrace, Penzance on Wednesday 11th March, commencing at 7.30 pm.
This will follow the usual pattern:
1/.  Welcome
2/.  Apologies
3/.  Minutes of the Last AGM (13th March 2019)
4/.  Matters Arising from 3/. above
5/.  Reports
              Membership Secretary
6/.  Election of Officers
              Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer.
              Other Committee Members
7/.  Any Other Business

If anyone has any Nominations for Committee Members, or additional Agenda Items, please let me have these no later than Wednesday 26th February.  You can also put yourself forward for the Committee in the same way but, if that is the case, you would need to be formally proposed and seconded at the Meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you then.
John Diston, MBLA Secretary                     
On behalf of the Committee and Trustees