As you know one of our members is holding a table top sale on this Saturday 13th July to raise much needed funds for your Association.
It has just come to my attention that there have been some donations made to MBLA via the new Facebook DONATE button but as yet not transferred to MBLA's a/c.
The reason for this is Facebook require we reach a minimum amount of donations of £100.00 before they transfer to our a/c. (I must give our Facebook manager much credit for his perseverance and hard work setting up the DONATE button process on Facebook).
So, how about helping Liz with her Cake & Plant stall by visiting our Facebook site (Mounts Bay Lugger Association), if you have a Facebook a/c, just search for Mounts Bay Lugger Association and donate whatever you can afford to buy a virtual cake or plant?
I have just donated £10.00 to buy a virtual plant. Gardening is not my favourite hobby so this plant should be easy to water and feed and look after itself. Are you in the same boat as me?
We need to get the funds held by Facebook over £100:00 (One Hundred Pounds).
Many Thanks,