Well what is happening with the MBLA
You will be pleased to know that the engine is all sorted after last years end of season hiccup, it has now been fully serviced ready for the forthcoming season.
I will be sending an email very soon, requesting help to get 'Happy Return' ready for the summer.
This year we are a little short of members for the post of Mate while sailing, so if you are interested or want to find out more then please give me a call.
2019 Questionnaire
Many thanks to everyone who completed the 2019 questionnaire, the response was outstanding. The results are to be discussed in an open forum on conclusion of the AGM on Wednesday the 13th March.
Sailing Season
Sailing this season is looking good with a possible trip to Brittany in July with Clive Humphrey. If you are interested please contact Clive soonest by email at chumphrey1@hotmail.co.uk .
In July we can look forward to Looe Lugger's which is a gathering of many traditional craft from all over the West Country and Europe, This is a great event to see with many different types of craft and a bit of a social gathering.
Along with this, we will also be sailing to the Scillies and along the south coast of Devon and Cornwall.
Talk by Nick Tregenza
Just to remind you, we also have at talk by Nick Tregenza about the biology of marine mammals which we are likely to see in Mounts Bay. This will take place on Wednesday the 6th March in the Penzance Sailing Club starting at 7:30pm, please try to attend and offer your support.
Membership Renewal
Finally, renewal of memberships are due as of the Annual General Meeting, you will be able to renew on the night of the AGM or via the website where you will find a membership renewal form.
Please complete and submit not forgetting the online payment with your name in the reference box.
If you have any photographs which you feel may be good on the website then please contact me.
See you all soon.
Mark Mitchell