Newlyn Fish Festival - Monday 28 August

Newlyn Fish Festival

Just to remind you the Newlyn Fish Festival is not too far way.  The committee is busy planning for the event to be held on Bank Holiday Monday 28th August '17.

Is there any member who wishes to come along and help and also have a current Food Hygiene Certificate please contact Skipper John T ASAP.

This is a big fund raiser for MBLA where we barbeque Pilchards, sell teas/coffee & also a cake stall.  We would appreciate any help during the day with barbequing, selling teas/coffees etc. or just sell MBLA to the members of the public.  Hopefully we can also gain some new members.

For you ladies out there if you can make/supply a selection of cakes, buns etc. for us to sell on the cake stall it would be much appreciated.

If you can help for a few hours etc. please contact Lorna Halse via Skipper Mike

Contact skippers via email via the Sailing Calendar - click here

Dave / John / Lorna.