Anti fouling - Wednesday 29th March - Cancelled

Hi Everyone

I am afraid that the planed antifouling of Happy Return on Wednesday the 29th March will need to be scrubbed as the weather for this period is forecast to be strong winds from the south. Not only strong wind but rain as well.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help on the slip, we will be trying again in a couple of weeks. Maintenance is ongoing, meeting on Saturday mornings at about 10:30am. All are welcome.

Many Thanks



Hi all,
As announced in the Sailing Programme, Happy Return is scheduled for a visit to the slip for the annual anti fouling ritual and general painting on Wednesday 29th March.  It will be greatly appreciated if you can spare a few hours to help with this.  Muster on the slip from 10:00 onwards.  The slip is located adjacent to the sailing club.  Anti fouling is a mucky job, so please wear your muckiest clothing and head wear.  Wellies will also be useful for scrubbing off on the slip.
Please note that putting HR on the slip is very weather dependant and the event may be postponed unless conditions are ideal.  Please let Mark Mitchell know if you can spare a few hours on Wednesday.  He will contact you on Tuesday 28th March if the event needs to be postponed.
John van der Hoff