Lugger News June 2016 - Part 1


Hope you are enjoying this lovely weather and getting lots of sailing. 

Do you know that you are able to track Happy Return just go to the Marine Traffic website put in the necessary data and you can follow her on her trips.

Whilst Happy Return was being totally rewired this winter the Trustees thought it would be an added safety measure if we fitted an AIS system to her, this has now been completed and is registered. In addition to members being able to track her there are many safety features, one of which gives a warning if we are on a collision course with another ship, useful I think you will agree. I would think that some members will already know via our Facebook page but it is good for all to be aware.

We note that some of our members are not opening their Mailchimp messages from the Chairman and Membership Secretary.  This has become our main method of communicating with you the members.  The postal system is far too expensive and unreliable. The majority of members are connected to the internet either by phone or computer we feel this method of communication is the most reliable and speediest so please check your emails and spam boxes and open your messages.     

The season is now well underway and to date the weather has been reasonably kind with few cancellations due to bad weather. This weekend Happy Return is in Scilly, I gather from Mark Mitchell, the skipper the weather was good and the trip was very enjoyable. Unfortunately our first trip to Scilly over the May Day bank holiday had to be cancelled. There are another two more trips and PASSAB to Scilly this season. These are usually very popular with the members so don’t delay book early. In fact I would say to avoid being disappointed book early for any trip even a sail round the Bay as these are very popular too.

For members who haven’t yet been on a trip to Scilly I thought you might like to read two separate members experiences of their trips to Scilly :-
We mustered at 5 am on 14 September 2012 to set sail to the Isles of Scilly. My cousin Megan and I had seen a boat before but never actually set sail on one. Although, we had been deemed ‘capable’ for the trip by our uncle Mike Tudor, on a practise sail the day before, I was very nervous. After getting the boat ready, hoisting the sails and navigating out of Penzance harbour and round Mousehole Island, dawn began to break, the rain set in and the wind picked up. My worst nightmare had begun to materialise; I was on a wooden sailing boat in moderate seas and beginning to feel queasy. Our skipper Mark dived downstairs (correction, ‘below deck’) and started making a sausage sandwich for us. I politely declined. As we prepared for our first tack (Meg and I had seen Ben Ainslie in the Olympics so knew the lingo)

 I felt the unmistakeable heave of my stomach. “Not there Penny, be sick downwind otherwise we’ll all be in the way!” About 8 hours later Uncle Mike woke me up and I took the helm. The seas had calmed, it was sunny and we could see Scilly. It was the most beautiful evening and arriving into the bay

between the Isle of Gugh and St. Agnes at sunset, was just wonderful and worth every bit of being ill. Nick, Keith, Mark and Mike provided chilli and wine, Meg and I provided banter and haribo. A great first night.

The rest of the weekend involved walking, sightseeing, island hopping, pubs and many laughs.The return trip was great with a pilot whale, container ships and the lesser spotted Mike Tudor seen snoozing in the dinghy. Thank you to all involved, a great experience and I loved it.